Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Slimquick or not so quick is the question

Recently, I have been gaining more and more weight. And it is not by the week or by the month, but I seem to be gaining it by the day for heaven's sake! Had a busy week, one pound here, visited J for a few days, three pounds there!!! I mean, the age thing is hitting me harder than I expected.

Back in my 20s, if I thought I should loose a few pounds, all I had to do was cut back on some meals and weight would go right down.

Then came the 30s! I think the day I turned 30, cutting back on food was not just not helping me loose weight, but if I did not control my food intake and go to the gym 5 days a week, I would start gaining weight! But there was hope. I could do those things and loose and maintain the lost weight. Well, I did have to reset my mind to what was my ideal weight was, too. I could deal with that, I was ok, right?.

Well, ever since I turned 35 last year, no matter what I do, my weight seems to be going in just one direction, 'up'. I am sure, choosing to walk with Bella instead of the gym and traveling back and forth to SJ have their own share in the process... but come on!!!

The breaking point came yesterday. I changed doctors because of change in insurance, and I weighed in at 160 lbs!!!! At 5'1.5" I am 30 pounds overweight! So as of yesterday, as per my friend M's suggestion, my another friend at work 'C' and I have decided to try the Slimquick route.

C has chosen the pills.

And I have chosen the drink packets.  

My reason for the drink is that I think it will help be drink the required amount of water. If I take pills, I get lazy and do not drink enough water.
According to M, when she tried the drink packets, she was like an energizer bunny.. and at this stage, I could use a little boost on the energy front as well!!! 

Well, yesterday was the first day as we drive to CVS after lunch and bought this. I reached home at 6:30 after doing the much needed grocery shopping and fell asleep on the couch at 8:30! Woke up at 10 and could not go to sleep till 2:00 am because of the heat! Needless to say, never made it to the gym. Today I weighed in at 159lbs... but that was in my PJs before breakfast!

So I will keep on updating this post as days go by!

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