Monday, October 19, 2015

My lil helper

Today I asked Dhruv to pick up one of his shirts, that he had just changed out of and was lying on the floor, and take it to the hamper. He said, 'No no', as he has started saying now a days, and started playing with his car again. I went back to watching TV. In a few minutes he disappeared. I asked J where he was, and J didn't knew. I noticed that the shirt I had asked him to pick up had disappeared, as well. Just then, Dhruv walked back into the living room, saw a pair of his pants on the floor, and took those to the hamper as well. He then came back, and walked towards me clapping his hands, with a smile on his face. I know, it's such a small thing. But, he really made my day. He is not even a year and a half yet.